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Who you should hire to seal your pavers.

There are plenty of paver sealing companies in the Phoenix Metro area. Experienced paver sealing technicians will make your experience a pleasant one. This makes it somewhat overwhelming searching for a professional paver sealing company to get the job done right on your property. Driveway paver sealing, patio paver sealing, travertine sealing and all other natural stone sealing require experience and a lot of it.



The best paver sealing companies have years of hands on experience. Mighty Marks’ Paver Sealing has over 20 years experience. Nowadays sealer manufacturers have sales teams to push their products. The issue here is that they hype up their manufacturer training to recruit wanna be contractors with no paver sealing experience to add paver sealing to their list of services.



All the recruits are required to do is watch a few videos, attend a couple in person trainings at a supplier store which includes a glorified pizza party and covers the basics of sealing. Sealer manufacturer requires use of their product 5 times and WAHLAH they are now coined Master Certified Paver Sealing Technicians after passing a very short online quiz and printing out a generic certificate of completion on their home printer.



These certificates are not state sanctioned (at least in Arizona) and are basically part of a very sophisticated dog and pony show. These are organized by certain sealer manufacturers so they can sell, sell, sell their brand to all these inexperienced newbies.



Experienced paver sealing ScottsdaleMighty Marks’ Paver Sealing believes that a professional paver sealer company technician must have years of experience not hours. All of Mighty Marks’ paver sealing technicians attend not just manufacturer paver sealing training 2x a year training by Mark himself. Paver Sealing techs at Mighty Marks Paver Sealing must pass training and skills tests directly given by the owner on a quarterly basis. MIghty Marks’ Paver Sealing breeds professional paver sealing technicians that work side by side with Mark. We train the real way and that is by training them the “Mighty Way!”



When choosing your paver sealing company make sure to check at least 5 customer references. Always ask to see photos with their company watermark from at least 10 different jobs. This will ensure your property is not going to be a training ground for paver sealing technicians with no experience experimenting on yoyr precious property. Mistakes in the paver sealing industry can be very costly and will usually cost 4x the amount you originally paid to get it fixed and done right,



If you would like to experienced paver sealing crew of Mighty Marks’ Paver Sealing to come out and give you a free quote please call or text 480-826-9238 or click here. You can see more of our work on facebook. 🙂